The posts that are listed below contain some element of "policy engineering" meaning they will outline new or different ways of doing things. Naturally, the "policy engineering" content will vary, so some posts may be dominantly commentary.
Enjoy. =)
- Overall National Strategy
- Public Housing
- Education
- Regulation
- Towards a Social Safety Net
- Voting and Elections
- Defence
- Other Topics
Overall National Strategy
- On "Economic Flexibility"
- Towards a Ministerial Salary Scheme Designed for Inclusive Growth
- On Pay For Performance
- On National Strategy
- We Need a Clean Slate Analysis of the Economy and a Road Map
Public Housing
- Operationalizing HDB Balloting with Multiple Selections
- On "Land Costs" in Public Housing
- A Proposed Auction System for Public Housing
- A Counterfactual Public Housing System (Revised)
- A Counterfactual Public Housing System and Its Outcomes (Note: The auction described here has been superseded.)
- Maintain a Surplus of HDB Flats
- Conceptual Learning vs Skills
- On Effective Incentives at Universities
- Measuring the Efficacy of Education: A Possible Methodology
- On Casino Entry: Lessons from Credit Card Approval Requirements
- Illegal Subletting and Deterrent Penalties
- Improving the Verification of Credentials for Foreign Professionals
Towards a Social Safety NetBack to Contents
Voting and Elections
- Implementing Proportional Representation within the GRC System
- Measuring the Mandate of the People: Approval Voting
- Truthful Voting through Approval Voting
DefenceBack to Contents
Other Topics
- Assessing Sovereign Wealth Fund Performance Rigorously Using Publicly Available Data
- On “Incentive Compatibility” in High-Frequency Trading
- A "New" Paradigm for Rental
- A Practical Approach to Balancing the GST Burden
- How Singapore's Sovereign Wealth Funds Should Invest
- Ideas on Reforming the Institution of "Permanent Residency"
- A Route to Value Creation: Cut Out Unnecessary Middle Men
- On Investing Sovereign Wealth
- Revisiting Kidneys: More Transplants through Matching